Prosperity Step #5

Prosperity Step #5… “Victory, Success And The Conquest Of Anti-Forces.”

Anti-Forces equal resistance… They’re like headwinds that keep pushing you back.

Welcome to The Ten Steps To Wealth blog site. Make sure you read the previous four steps because they’re all connected. Each post describes one step in a series of 11 that I took to enjoy multimillionaire freedom in a relatively short period of time.

If you practice each step, I’m sure you can achieve similar results.

Anti-Forces are the challenges you’ll face from family, friends, work colleagues, society, peer pressure, negative media, naysayers and generally from people who don’t know how to support your journey towards economic and personal freedom.

This is exactly what happened to me as I started out. In the first few years, I kept bumping into people and situations that would take the wind out of my sails… and it was really hard to understand why. While I was full of dreams, I kept meeting resistance from friends and people who said they were well meaning.

It just didn’t make sense… all I was getting were obstacles rather than support. One day, I finally understood the reasons why.

Resistance to your goals and dreams comes from people who are not ambitious for themselves. It comes from people who have never achieved the dreams you want. If you shine more than them, it makes them uncomfortable because it shows up their lack of desire and their own limitations.

So if you want to achieve financial freedom… you must find a way to overcome these anti-forces. And the best way to do this, is to find a mentor.

If you look closely at high achievers in any field of endeavour, you will find a supportive mentor somewhere in the background.

Real support comes from a place of love, no matter what. So if you have that special “unconditional” relationship in your life… you’re going to fly.

But if you don’t, don’t worry… there is another way. You can get real support from people who have actually achieved the outcomes you want. As Steve Jobs said, “You can’t connect the dots moving forward… You can only connect the dots looking back.”

That’s why successful people in your area of interest and desire are the best people to support you. Because they’ve achieved the results you want, they can connect the dots for you. People who have not achieved these outcomes, cannot connect those dots… and unless they’re coming from love, they can’t really support you.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that, “What lies before you and what lies behind you are tiny matters compared with what lies within you.”

Pushing past the anti-forces takes courage because for most of your journey you’re going to feel alone. In fact, the biggest challenge to becoming financially free is trying to do everything yourself.

It rarely ever works because enculturation encourages you to follow a different pathway. One that takes you down the treadmill towards endless work/pay cycles of earn, spend and borrow!

Look around and you’ll see generations of people stuck in this pattern, but you’ll see very few people who ever become free as a result of it.

The fastest way for you to become successful is to get yourself into the energy orbit of a mentor who is already financially free because they can support you and they can connect the dots looking back.

Mentorship is a process of moving forward to your goals. It’s provided by mentors and mentoring sessions designed to support , encourage , guide and teach you how to achieve your outcomes.

Alternatively, you’ll find yourself remaining stuck in anti-forces that guarantee conformity and never lead to prosperity.

James Allen said, “People are anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves. They therefore remain bound. To change your life you have to change your life.”

You must learn to develop different habits of thought. If you don’t, you’ll remain bound within the results of collective agreements.

Freedom comes from the renewal of your mind. It comes when you change your mental habits.

Mental prisons remain in place through anti-forces that enculturation encourage you to experience. If there’s no change in mental habits, there can be no change in financial results.

SO don’t let this happen to you, don’t remain stuck and don’t remain bound. Your future is worth so much more than that isn’t it?

Dissolving the limitations that keep you repeating the same habits… is the next step on your journey towards economic and personal freedom.

Step #6 continues in the next post…

Talk again soon,

Paul Counsel
Money Mastery Mentor

“The top 1% of the most endorsed mentors in Australia”. LinkedIn

Creator < Money Mastery 3% Acceleration Program>
