Avoid This Financial Mistake

“How To Avoid The Biggest Financial Mistake Most People Make”

I see people from all walks of life making the same financial mistake over and over again.

The Ten Steps To Wealth notes that if you want to achieve financial freedom so you never have to experience time starvation and compromised choices ever again, it’s time to develop a new money code.

In the fifteen years that I’ve been teaching people how to achieve financial freedom, the biggest mistake they make is trying to cut corners and failing to develop a new money code.

Let me explain what I mean via these 10 money truisms:

  1. Code comes from the 13thc French word code meaning ‘a system of laws’, ‘a system of rules’.
  2. Everyone who receives or earns money does so through a particular money code.
  3. Not everyone understands that they have a subconscious money code in situ
  4. Your money code determines the financial results you’re getting
  5. Most people have been conditioned with a Consumption Code based on 3 money mindsets of earn, spend and borrow
  6. To change your financial results, you must change the code that’s driving them
  7. To change your money code, you must further develop the psychological and emotional money foundations that enculturation has conditioned into you
  8. To change your psychological and emotional money foundations, you need to undertake a course of learning that’s designed to do exactly that.
  9. Your new money code must be achievement oriented, have enterprise at its bedrock and encourage advancement and improvement
  10. If you don’t learn to develop new money code foundations, your old foundations will never support the enterprise you seek to build on them.

The greatest challenge to financial freedom, however you want to describe it for yourself, is that you can’t “unlearn” a code once you’ve learned it, you can only learn a new code.

In other words, you can’t clean slate your mind and start afresh. You can only venture forward and learn a new code which then makes the old code redundant.

Your greatest gift is your ability to learn and to do that learning fast.

Give yourself the ‘greatest gift’. The Ten Steps To Wealth


Paul Counsel

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