The Pathway To Prosperity

“How To Use 11 Prosperity Steps For More Fun, Excitement And Hope Along With More Choice, Free Time And Financial Independence. Discover… The Pathway To Prosperity”

Prosperity is described as a state of flourishing, thriving, and good fortune; a state that encompasses financial freedom, happiness, fulfilment and optimal wellness.

Not so long ago, I was in a state that was a far cry from thriving. In fact, I was dead flat broke, spent more nights in a car than a house and couldn’t see any way out of my predicament.

Nowadays, people think I’m lucky because I’ve achieved the sorts of freedom and prosperity that most people can only ever dream of.

But I don’t think I’m lucky so much as I’m determined. When I finally reached a point of enough’s enough… I decided that I wanted to create my lifestyle from a state of freedom rather than a state of incarceration.

So I set out on a journey to discover exactly how to do that.

A few years later I successfully transformed from being a dead flat broke potter to living the sort of prosperity and good fortune that’s described above.

It can be yours to if you want it…

Before I describe the steps that turned my misfortune into good fortune, let me say something about the nature of society that prevents you from living a prosperous lifestyle on your terms.

All too often though, society’s single focused drive on economic prosperity often competes negatively with health, happiness, thriving, and flourishing notions of prosperity.

In today’s economic climate, ever increasing costs requires you to give up more life hours and offer them to work and its broader demands.

The more hours you’re forced to give up, the more you’re driven away from your lifestyle preferences. This results in more stress but less flourishing, thriving, lifestyle prosperity and good fortune.

The timeliness of Pathway To Prosperity is no coincidence. With the increased stressors of modern living, it’s required more today than at any other time in recent history

With a simple change in mindset, the journey towards an extraordinary life begins the moment you allow yourself to take their first step.

That’s the key…

If you’re like most people you’ve been conditioned to immerse yourself in huge amounts of debt and before you know it, you attempt to create freedom and prosperity from the position of servitude to that debt.

This is lunacy and it seldom, if ever, works. Witness the millions of unhappy people who never experience more time… more money… or even get close to more freedom.

Instead of thriving and experiencing good fortune, they experience, less time… less money… and less freedom. If you’d like to turn these outcomes upside down, this is exactly what the Pathway To Prosperity will show you how to do.

With the same determination others have shown, you can say goodbye to your old results and achieve prosperity and freedom. I know this to be true because, over the past 16 years, I’ve shown thousands of people how to get these results for themselves.

Does it take time? Yes sure it does. But you never need to do more than just one step at a time. All you need is your determination to succeed and I’ll give you the map that I and so many others have used for ourselves.

I you’re like all the others I’ve supported before you, I know that you can do it too.

Most people are closer to freedom and prosperity than they realise but, because they’re so busy, they never give themselves enough time to see such possibilities for themselves.

The sad thing is that they’ve become so trapped in their “daily routines” that they can’t see the wood through the trees.

The Pathway To Prosperity is a proven curriculum of 11 steps that’s been running live and online in one way or another since 2003. It’s based on incredibly powerful information revealed by cutting edge discoveries into the neuroscience and psychology of abundance and prosperity.

It’s designed to help you get extraordinary results in every area of your life. 

It’s designed to ensure you end the tug-of-war between your desire for more and the restrictions of time and choice you experience because work and increasing costs demand more from you.

Just choose an important outcome you want for yourself and allow me to support you in attaining that outcome.

Each step acts powerfully in every aspect of life you choose:

  • from weight loss to more connected relationships
  • from being lost in a sea of sameness to finding your true purpose in life
  • from experiences of isolation to finding a group of like minded people to connect with
  • from the servitude of debt to lucrative finances and cash flow
  • from societal disempowerment to the freedom of physical, emotional and physical resilience

When you apply the lessons you’ll learn through the Pathway To Prosperity, the positive outcomes you’ll experience on a daily basis will directly result from the processes you learn.

They’re exactly the same processes I used to move my experiences from a life of struggle to the inspiring, creative, abundant and productive life of freedom I now experience on a daily basis.

I’ll post each of the steps in subsequent posts

Step #1 continues in the next post…

Talk again soon,

Paul Counsel
Money Mastery Mentor

“The top 1% of the most endorsed mentors in Australia”. LinkedIn

Creator < Money Mastery 3% Acceleration Program>


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  1. When I read the above, I feel I’m riding your coat tails, experiencing the emotional highs and lows like waves washing on the shore. I’d like to share two small example of the servitude you mentioned.

    A colleague at work often complains of having no money, yet today he informed me he signed up to a health care program that guarantees to take his money on a regular basis. Hmmm.
    Secondly I decided to move from where I have been staying for the last 2 years. I was amazed at the level of emotion that welled up within me. Not sadness nor joy, just a very real uncomfortable feeling in my chest if that makes sense. It was really quite difficult to take that step because I love the people I live with yet I have grown complacent with the uncomfotableness. Only by taking small steps in this direction was I able to take the final small step to say I’m going.

    My question to the reader is, are you living in true comfort or is it time to take the pathway to prosperity.

    1. You’re welcome Leona… it’s a pleasure to work with people like you who are so motivated to learn