The Naked Truth

“Why Aren’t More People Becoming Financially Free?”

Perhaps the answer has something to do with The Truth Not Being Naked Enough For All To See.

Naked comes from the Old English word… nacod… which means nude, bare, empty and ‘not fully clothed’.

Truth comes from the West Saxon term triewð and the Mercian term treowð which mean “faithfulness” and “quality of being true”.

The earliest recorded use of the phrase “The Naked Truth” is in Alexander Montgomerie’s poem “The Cherry and the Slae” from 1585.

Which thou must (though it grieve thee) grant
I trumped never a man.
But truely told the naked trueth,
To men that meld with mee,
For neither rigour, nor for rueth,
But onely loath to lie.

The sense in which I am using “The Naked Truth” is to break down some of the many myths surrounding what it takes to become financially free.

So let’s start with a simple observation… despite all the seminars, webinars, how to books, lectures, uni degrees, videos, CD’s, and mp3 recordings on matters relating to wealth creation and income generation… the majority of adults in advanced economies ARE NOT financially free.

Does this outcome result from a lack of desire? NO… otherwise the wealth knowledge industry wouldn’t exist.

Is there a lack of information? NO… you can find information everywhere you care to look and much of it is freely available.

My sense is that the real cause has something to do with “partial truths”. And what I mean by this is that lots of people have lots of information and they do lots of things but they’re still not financially free.

It’s like having many pieces to the jigsaw puzzle, but not all of them, so the picture is never complete.

The Naked Truth is designed to turn partial truths into full truths so that the full picture becomes available for you.

So keep watching this space.

Paul Counsel


#tenstepstowealth #paulcounsel #thenakedtruth

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  1. I can reel off plenty of partial truths…but it’s only since having the pleasure of working with you that some of the naked truths are becoming apparent. It’s like having a new set of glasses!

    1. Thanks Linda… Your support is much appreciated.

      In the next week or so, I’ll be revealing why partial truths do more to prevent people from becoming financially free than outright untruths. I’ll be concentrating on how partial truths in real estate investment, superannuation and myths about financially free lifestyles have killed off the Great Australian Dream.

  2. Yes, it has taken over 2 years to get some clarity around what it takes to create financial freedom and it will take even longer to create it as all the behavioural changes need to take place as well (moving away from consumerism and towards the development of solid enterprise skills).

    1. Great observation Yvette… Thanks. It really comes down to two choices. You either keep going on your financial freedom journey. Or you give up and rejoin the status quo who spend decades surviving at levels that are intolerable but not intolerable enough to trigger pain thresholds.