The Uncommon Sense Of Success

“Don’t Fall For The Common Sense Trap…”

When I set out to create The Ten Steps To Wealth so that I could share important information with you if you’re committed to change, the last thing in the world I wanted was for someone to tell me… “it’s just common sense”.

In fact, if they did, my unconscious, automatic radar kicked in and immediately began wondering if this person actually understood what they just said.

Let me explain. As an adjective, “common” comes from the c.1300 Old French word comun which means ‘ belonging to all, general, free, open, public’.

It also comes from Old Latin communis which means ‘in common, public, shared by all or many; general, not specific, familiar or pretentious’.

The word “sense” in this context is used as a noun and comes from c.1400 Old French sens and Old Latin sensus which means ‘faculty of perception, perception, feeling, undertaking, meaning… to perceive, feel or know’.

When it comes to business success, personal financial success, entrepreneurial success or extraordinary success in health, relationships, sports or lifestyle… then the “sense” that’s held in common is definitely not the “sense” to follow.

A millionaire mindset is not full of “common sense”. By definition, it does things differently than most… it’s filled with uncommon ways of doing things.

Doing stuff that makes sense to most people is to follow the pathway of the herd throughout life… Ultimately, it leads to experiences of frustration, stress and servitude. It leads to ‘not enough time’, ‘not enough money’, and ‘not enough freedom’.

These three outcomes are the domain of “common sense”.

If where the herd ends up is where you want to be, then by all means follow the wisdom of “common sense

If you’d like to experience more free time, more financial independence, more discretionary spending power, more freedom of choice, live debt free and unburden yourself from crippling stress, then you must follow the lesser travelled path of resistance called “Uncommon Sense”.

Here are a few common sense ideas from Ric Schefren that can and do kill success and  businesses…

  • “The entrepreneur who works the longest hours will be the most successful.” (Actually, the opposite is true. Entrepreneurs who work the least tend to earn the most.)
  • “If you’re not successful with a task, keep at it until it works.” (Again the opposite is true. If something isn’t working, it’s time to change… not continually fail.)
  • “I’ll just copy what the most successful guys do.” (Following a mentor is one thing, but blindly copying others’ business strategies is NEVER the answer.)

Common sense is why so many entrepreneurs and business people struggle. They believe they can build and grow a business by doing what “makes sense.” But success never comes from what makes sense.

Extraordinary success in any given area of practice has counter-intuitive “uncommon sense” as its bedrock foundation.

Don’t fall for the “common sense” trap

The Ten Steps To Wealth are not full of common sense strategies… in fact, it’s quite the opposite.

If it’s true that we create our own reality and that the way we think, feel and behave is part of the creative process, then please, please, please… rather than adopting a “common sense” perspective, adopt an uncommon perspective and open up possibilities for yourself rather than close them down.

Begin your uncommon journey now with my complimentary eCourse


Paul Counsel

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