The Liberating Power Of Fear

“Engaging The Ten Steps To Wealth BluePrint For Success”

The Ten Steps To Wealth Blueprint For Success has many different stages… all of which need to be in place in order for success to be achieved.

The most critical aspects of success, wealth, and financial freedom are that they’re based on three primary principles… you could even call them LAWS.

1: You need an “Guiding Principle” which has the ability to consume the clarity of your intended outcome.

2: You need a body of “Actionable Knowledge” which has the ability to consume an uninterrupted period of intense focus.

3: You need a “Mindset” that allows you to “Move Forward” and explore new territory.

What I mean by this is that you need the type of mindset that allows you to “Veto Distraction”… one that allows you to apply a “Quality and Quantity of Focus” to what you’re doing so that it ensures your success.

“Fear” is an important part of the Ten Steps To Wealth BluePrint. In fact it’s the most critical part because it’s a natural part of who you are. It’s part of your hardwired survival mechanism which keeps you safe and allows you to be the person you are today.

From an evolutionary point of view, fear is designed to keep you safe. It’s designed to have you freeze, fight or flee in the presence of danger.

In modern society, the conditioning around fear is designed in a way that every time you fear something, you’re conditioned to automatically step back from it.

When you do this, you feel OK because you’re back into the familiar feelings of your comfort zone. However, this will never allow you to feel the extraordinary success that still forms part of your unmet potential.

However, to move beyond the results you’re getting today, you must move beyond your need to “feel safe”.

“Fear” will never go away… it’s a primary survival emotion that has hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary development behind it.

I don’t think you can ever be in a place where “Fear” does not exist… and I’m not sure you can literally destroy “Fear”. However, you can use this natural hardwired survival response mechanism to your advantage.

That’s what every successful person does… they use fear to their advantage by giving “Fear” new meaning.

Any “BluePrint For Success” mandates that all true learning moves from the “known” to the “unknown”.

Your “known world” contains all your familiar experiences and your results to date. For these to change, you must enter a new, but as yet “unknown” world of new knowledge and new learning experiences.

In order to achieve extraordinary success in any endeavour, you must have a mindset that allows you to travel forward despite the obstacles you might meet. You must be able to step forward from the safety of old thoughts, ideas and experiences, and move toward a world of ideas you’ve yet to explore.

When you do this in a supportive environment with a mentor who holds a safety net for you, your progress is rapid.

That’s why the most successful people in the world seek out the best mentors and coaches they can find.

You’ll never see a world class golfer without a caddy by their side, nor world class athletes without a coach, or world class boxers without corner people, or world class business people without mentors.

The concept of using fear as motivational force by giving the physiological experiences of it “new meaning”, takes a bit of getting used to.

But the main point is that the most successful people in any discipline use “fear” as a form guide. They literally give fear new meaning.

They use the fear response as the “correct” response to feel because they know that “fear” only kicks in when they’re at the cutting edge of the successes they want to achieve.

What successful people know, more than anything else, is that “success” is gained by moving through the fear response. It’s not gained by backing away from it.

Instead of allowing themselves to be controlled by hardwired meanings of safety and danger… successful people use the physiological response of “fear” as a guide to what they’re aiming for.

Fear becomes a motivational force that moves them forward to the exceptional things they want to experience. When they feel fear, they know they’re progressing and that they’re on track.

Recently, Frenchman Guerlain Chicherit became the first person to successfully complete an unassisted 3600 back flip jump in a car.

It’s not that he didn’t feel fear in every practice session. It’s not that he didn’t feel fear when he finally lined up for the jump attempt with the world’s media looking on.

Chicherit said that before the jump, “Everything was crazy. I was alone in the car before the start and I just had to do it… When you attempt something nobody has ever achieved before, the stress is really high, but the only way is to just try it.”

It’s not that Felix Baumgartner didn’t feel fear while free falling to earth from the stratosphere at an estimated speed of 1,357.6 kph.

When he stepped out of his space capsule ready to jump from 29.339 miles, or 96,453 feet, above the earth, Felix Baumgartner had one thought. “When you’re standing out there on top of that step, you become so humble. In that moment, it’s not about breaking records anymore.”

By using “The Ten Steps To WealtheCourse blueprint, successful people use fear as a motivational tool to break through previous boundaries and gain both time and money freedom.

By using their “BluePrint For Sameness”, most people use fear as a motivational force to remain safe and secure in comfort zones and gain both time and money indebtedness.

Don’t allow more years to pass you by when in a few short years from now, you could be enjoying the quality of lifestyle that More Time… More Money… and More Freedom give you.

When you enrol in The Ten Steps To Wealth eCourse, I’ll be there to support you every step of the way.


Paul Counsel

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