Climb Without The Rope

“You Must Climb Without The Rope” Here’s an interesting story from Dan Kennedy that parallels the journey you must take if you want to follow The Ten Steps To Wealth. I’ll let Dan tell you his story in his own words. However, before I hand over to Dan… I just want to reinforce the importance […]

The Courage To Be Free

“Do you have the courage to be free?” How many times have you said to yourself something like you wanted more time, more money and more freedom… but never acted on it? Have you ever thought about the amount of courage it takes to gain more time and more freedom? Have you ever thought about […]

Why Financial Distress?

“Why Financial Distress When Financial Freedom Is Now More Available Than Ever Before?” On your Ten Steps To Wealth Journey, it only ever takes one true decision to change. A true decision is only ever made when you no longer fear the consequences of that decision. If you fear the consequences, you’ll never make a […]

To Grow or To Wither

“A Seed Can Grow And Produce Abundance Or It Can Slowly Wither And Die. There are no alternatives.” The Ten Steps To Wealth maintains that at some point throughout their lives most people express a desire to be wealthy and financially free. But, more often than not, it’s not really wealth they want so much […]

The Liberating Power Of Fear

“Engaging The Ten Steps To Wealth BluePrint For Success” The Ten Steps To Wealth Blueprint For Success has many different stages… all of which need to be in place in order for success to be achieved. The most critical aspects of success, wealth, and financial freedom are that they’re based on three primary principles… you […]

Inattentional Blindness

“How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake People Make And Why It’s Critically Important To Stay Focused” Over the past fifteen years, through The Ten Steps To Wealth and other programs, I’ve literally taught thousands how to enhance their financial education in a way that allows you to become financially independent. Given this, I still see […]