Prosperity Steps #2…

Prosperity Step #2… “There is nothing for you to ‘fix’ – there is only something to think.”

Welcome to The Ten Steps To Wealth series. This post concentrates on the second prosperity step I took towards developing all the financial freedom I now enjoy.

It’s funny when you think about it but…  there’s more self improvement information available today than at any other time in history.stick_figures_carry_custom_text_on_stretcher_12309

And the self help and self improvement industry out sells the scientific industry by a factor of 3 to 1. Yet, for most people, the struggle to fix something still continues.

As a result of this struggle, we seem to have more loneliness, more financial hardship, more dissatisfaction, more frustration, more unhappiness , more depression, more broken families, and more personal disconnection than any other time in history. It’s a strange feeling…

boxy_robot_hold_wrench_400_clr_14592If you’re anything like me, you almost feel as though lots of things are broken in someway and that you need to repair so much before you can even think about starting your journey towards prosperity.

Because it’s part of your conditioning, it’s easy to subconsciously take on the idea that there must be ball_n_chain_freedom_400_clr_6883something wrong with you if you’re not already financially free.

There are so many parts of mainstream media that want you to continue to believe in this myth. They want you to believe that something is wrong and it needs fixing. This belief is completely wrong. YOU don’t need to be ‘fixed’ because there’s nothing wrong.

If you think you need ‘fixing’, you’ll always look for someone to help ‘fix’ you. That you need ‘fixing’ is a myth. It’s an illusion designed to keep you trapped in your current set of circumstances.

If anything needs fixing’… it’s the idea that says you need to be fixed’.

That’s why I’ve called the second prosperity step…

There’s nothing for you to “fix”… There’s only something for you to think!

There is nothing broken in you, you’re not wrong, you don’t need to fix anything…

If you’re not as prosperous or financially free as you’d like to be, the only thing that really needs to be addressed is your thinking… because thought causes all.

If you’re not experiencing the type of lifestyle you want, it’s the type of information you process, and the way you process it, that keeps you disconnected from the lifestyle you’re seeking.

The way you think determines the money code you follow. One money code allows you to be wealthy while the other money code robs you of time, choice and freedom.

Money codes are often multi-layered and imprinted during your formative years. They’re imprinted by people who essentially meant well but had no idea that they were limiting your potential. Rather than learning a money code that enabled you to be free, you were imprinted with collective money agreements that amounted to endless cycles of earn, spend and borrow.

If you keep following these endless cycles, they’ll keep taking you to the same places. Prosperity and financial freedom mean evolving your present money code and I’ll show you how to do that in a series of webinars and Q&A’s I have planned.

So keep your eyes open for more information on their availability.

Essentially though, different knowledge, learning, belief, determination and application are the keys to a different world. They’re literally the keys that help you unlock your full potential so you can confidently stride away from a routine life.

If you want to experience more prosperity, you only need to start thinking your way through a series of prosperity’s lessons. That’s what I did.

A few years ago, I decided that I no longer wanted to live life in the way I was conditioned to live it. I decided to mindscape a new “future” and to start developing my million dollar mind.

And this is exactly what the 11 steps in the Pathway To Prosperity are all about. They’re the steps I took to recondition my mind in a way that allowed me to become financially free.

If you want to experience economic and personal freedom you must develop the thinking and behaviours that are responsible for economic and personal freedom.

This means changing your current money code.

In the expanded webinar versions of these 11 steps I’ll show you how to do this.

In the mean time, a little of what step #3 is about continues in the next post…

Step #3 continues in the next post…

Talk again soon,

Paul Counsel
Money Mastery Mentor

“The top 1% of the most endorsed mentors in Australia”. LinkedIn

Creator < Money Mastery 3% Acceleration Program>



Prosperity Step #1…

Prosperity Step # 1…Walking the Red Carpet to the lifestyle you deserve”.

Welcome to this post in The Ten Steps To Wealth series. Over the next series of posts, I’m concentrating on the 11 steps that I took to ensure that I developed all the financial freedom I want.

I’ve called these 11 steps… The Pathway To Prosperity… I hope you enjoy them.

We’re living in a time and age where it’s increasingly important to build prosperity and resilience, not only in ourselves, but in our communities as well.

More than at any other time in history, the control mechanisms to build prosperity and resilience are now in your hands.

And when you take control, you can look forward to a time of great excitement and hope because… you’ll be entering the coming future with a high degree of security, good fortune, abundance, fulfilment and prosperity.

That’s what happened to me and I know it can happen to you.

Hi… My name is Paul counsel

At the age of 40…

I had several part time jobs that didn’t pay well…

And I was dead flat broke

BUT… By my 44th birthday I was a millionaire

I don’t say this to impress or anything like that. I say it because I want to give you a sense of contrast in my experiences and a timeline I went through to reinvent, or erase my old money conditioning.

My success didn’t come overnight… it came about because I worked on it for about an hour everyday…

What I worked on each day was “one” of the 11 steps I’ll be posting about over the next few weeks.

If I can achieve those outcomes, so can you…

The alternative of course, is t keep doing what most people are doing… no matter what it is, they just keep accepting what turns up.

I’ve designed each step on the Pathway To Prosperity to quickly accelerate physical, emotional and financial resilience. Along with financial freedom, they’re designed to open up a torrent of possibility and joy in your life.

My sixteen years of experience in supporting people to the important outcomes they want… more quickly is invaluable and yet, this is exactly what you get.

Below is a brief summary of the first step I took along the Pathway To Prosperity.

Walking the Red Carpet to the lifestyle you deserve. This is where you start the step by step process to more time… more money… & more prosperity…

It begins by dramatically shifting your thinking into what’s truly possible for you. It lays out the most effective pathway to take and what pathway to avoid. It literally saves you enormous amounts of money, and years of mistakes and wasted time.

No longer will you feel confused or uncertain of ever getting the results you want to experience at your deepest levels of possibility.

If your potential for financial freedom is more than you’re allowing, why is it that you keep selling yourself short?

What if you could produce your own movie what would it look like?

What if you could write the script and play the starring role in economic and personal freedom instead of the consumption role that most people play.

Society teaches you to be a worker and to keep you there, it locks you into three “moneymindsets.

When you “learn” how to earn, spend and borrow you’re locked into patterns of never having enough time, money or freedom.

What if you could exit the consumption code movie directed by society and walk the red carpet into a lifestyle purposely designed for you?

Regardless of your current experiences or where you’re at, the secret that society will never tell you is that your potential is unique and unlimited except for the layers of conditioning you have on top of it.

Just like all uncut diamonds have potential, you have all the potential to walk the red carpet and enjoy more freedom.

And this is exactly what the Pathway To Prosperity is all about.

If you want to experience economic and personal freedom you must develop the thinking and behaviours that are responsible for economic and personal freedom.

This means changing your current money code.

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain

In order to walk the Pathway To Prosperity, you must design your way onto it.

Napoleon Hill said, “If you are one of those people who believe hard work and honesty alone bring riches, perish the thought, because it’s not true.

“Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of hard work. Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands based upon the operation of definite principles, and not by chance or luck.”

So let’s start this first step with a definite principle… “The prosperity you want must be created in your mind first before it can be created in reality”.

Over the next day or so, your first step is to write, or draw, a two minute mind movie of the sorts of prosperity you want in your life.

Detail your mind movie with six scenes… 1: what life is like now… 2: a chance meeting… 3: the things you learned… 4: the results you achieve… 5: what you now share with others…  6: how this makes you feel…

Detail each scene with as much emotion as you can without overcrowding it.

When I watch your movie, I need to be crystal clear on what you’re experiencing.

Step #2 continues in the next post…

Talk again soon,

Paul Counsel
Money Mastery Mentor

“The top 1% of the most endorsed mentors in Australia”. LinkedIn

Creator < Money Mastery 3% Acceleration Program>



The Pathway To Prosperity

“How To Use 11 Prosperity Steps For More Fun, Excitement And Hope Along With More Choice, Free Time And Financial Independence. Discover… The Pathway To Prosperity”

Prosperity is described as a state of flourishing, thriving, and good fortune; a state that encompasses financial freedom, happiness, fulfilment and optimal wellness.

Not so long ago, I was in a state that was a far cry from thriving. In fact, I was dead flat broke, spent more nights in a car than a house and couldn’t see any way out of my predicament.

Nowadays, people think I’m lucky because I’ve achieved the sorts of freedom and prosperity that most people can only ever dream of.

But I don’t think I’m lucky so much as I’m determined. When I finally reached a point of enough’s enough… I decided that I wanted to create my lifestyle from a state of freedom rather than a state of incarceration.

So I set out on a journey to discover exactly how to do that.

A few years later I successfully transformed from being a dead flat broke potter to living the sort of prosperity and good fortune that’s described above.

It can be yours to if you want it…

Before I describe the steps that turned my misfortune into good fortune, let me say something about the nature of society that prevents you from living a prosperous lifestyle on your terms.

All too often though, society’s single focused drive on economic prosperity often competes negatively with health, happiness, thriving, and flourishing notions of prosperity.

In today’s economic climate, ever increasing costs requires you to give up more life hours and offer them to work and its broader demands.

The more hours you’re forced to give up, the more you’re driven away from your lifestyle preferences. This results in more stress but less flourishing, thriving, lifestyle prosperity and good fortune.

The timeliness of Pathway To Prosperity is no coincidence. With the increased stressors of modern living, it’s required more today than at any other time in recent history

With a simple change in mindset, the journey towards an extraordinary life begins the moment you allow yourself to take their first step.

That’s the key…

If you’re like most people you’ve been conditioned to immerse yourself in huge amounts of debt and before you know it, you attempt to create freedom and prosperity from the position of servitude to that debt.

This is lunacy and it seldom, if ever, works. Witness the millions of unhappy people who never experience more time… more money… or even get close to more freedom.

Instead of thriving and experiencing good fortune, they experience, less time… less money… and less freedom. If you’d like to turn these outcomes upside down, this is exactly what the Pathway To Prosperity will show you how to do.

With the same determination others have shown, you can say goodbye to your old results and achieve prosperity and freedom. I know this to be true because, over the past 16 years, I’ve shown thousands of people how to get these results for themselves.

Does it take time? Yes sure it does. But you never need to do more than just one step at a time. All you need is your determination to succeed and I’ll give you the map that I and so many others have used for ourselves.

I you’re like all the others I’ve supported before you, I know that you can do it too.

Most people are closer to freedom and prosperity than they realise but, because they’re so busy, they never give themselves enough time to see such possibilities for themselves.

The sad thing is that they’ve become so trapped in their “daily routines” that they can’t see the wood through the trees.

The Pathway To Prosperity is a proven curriculum of 11 steps that’s been running live and online in one way or another since 2003. It’s based on incredibly powerful information revealed by cutting edge discoveries into the neuroscience and psychology of abundance and prosperity.

It’s designed to help you get extraordinary results in every area of your life. 

It’s designed to ensure you end the tug-of-war between your desire for more and the restrictions of time and choice you experience because work and increasing costs demand more from you.

Just choose an important outcome you want for yourself and allow me to support you in attaining that outcome.

Each step acts powerfully in every aspect of life you choose:

  • from weight loss to more connected relationships
  • from being lost in a sea of sameness to finding your true purpose in life
  • from experiences of isolation to finding a group of like minded people to connect with
  • from the servitude of debt to lucrative finances and cash flow
  • from societal disempowerment to the freedom of physical, emotional and physical resilience

When you apply the lessons you’ll learn through the Pathway To Prosperity, the positive outcomes you’ll experience on a daily basis will directly result from the processes you learn.

They’re exactly the same processes I used to move my experiences from a life of struggle to the inspiring, creative, abundant and productive life of freedom I now experience on a daily basis.

I’ll post each of the steps in subsequent posts

Step #1 continues in the next post…

Talk again soon,

Paul Counsel
Money Mastery Mentor

“The top 1% of the most endorsed mentors in Australia”. LinkedIn

Creator < Money Mastery 3% Acceleration Program>


Is The Australian Dream A Dangerous Idea?

“How To Prevent Crisis Fatigue From Robbing Your Future Freedom”

Who would have thought that The Australian Dream of prosperity built on good well-paying jobs, a nice house and a comfortable retirement financed by superannuation… could be a dangerous idea.

But this is exactly what was discussed at last year’s Festival Of Dangerous Ideas

The three pillars of The Australian Dream have been permanently jeopardised by three value depleting mechanisms…

1) challenges in finding and securing reliable employment…

2) massive over investment in real estate…

3) poor returns destroying the value of superannuation accounts…

Satyajit Das, an internationally respected author, expert in finance and former banker notes that “Unrealistic expectations, reliance on house price “nest eggs”, lower housing affordability, poor returns and investment losses mean that the golden years of retirement funded by super have vanished.”

If you don’t re-draw Your Australian Dream now, increased money printing and inflationary pressures have the potential to devastate the value holdings you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Other commentators are warning that, “Time and time again, inflation has been proven to destroy entire economies and vast amounts of wealth.” The Daily Reckoning.

Das observes that Australians are now described as being members of the ‘precariat’, the precariously employed proletariat.

He also notes that Globalisation’s drive for off-shoring and relentless technological change is rapidly reducing job security and income for all but a “select few”.

By attending… “The Naked Truth… why most workers, business people and investors will never achieve financial freedom and how you can guarantee that you will if you take these steps”... you can learn what to do next in order to become one of the “select few”.

Click the link below and make sure you begin preserving your future freedom…

If you’re in Perth, I’ll see you on the 12th or 18th of Feb 2014

Paul Counsel


#thenakedtruth #thetenstepstowealth #paulcounsel

Your Future Is In Danger!

“Why You Must Learn How To Rescue Your Future.”

According to the Australian Superannuation Association, if you’re a couple, you need around $50,000 per year to basically survive in retirement.

If you’re in your 30’s now, and you adjust for inflation, you’ll need at least $100,000 per year just to survive when you retire.

And if you’re going to live for an extra 25 years after retirement, you’ll need well over a $million in super funds to have a chance at self funding your lifestyle at the most basic level.

The average person retiring today has approx $200,000 and for women, its $110,000.

That means the average couple retiring today are approx $800,000 short of funds.

If this remains the case… you will have worked for all of your working life without ever having experienced financial freedom.

It’s the saddest thing I know but I know its also true… that most people who see this post will not do anything other than keep hoping and working of socially engineered partial truths.

Plato wrote… “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

Learn how you can rescue your future by attending The Naked Truth on the 12th and 18th of Feb. Click the link below for details. It’s complimentary…

Paul Counsel


#thenakedtruth #paulcounsel #tenstepstowealth

The Naked Truth

“Why Aren’t More People Becoming Financially Free?”

Perhaps the answer has something to do with The Truth Not Being Naked Enough For All To See.

Naked comes from the Old English word… nacod… which means nude, bare, empty and ‘not fully clothed’.

Truth comes from the West Saxon term triewð and the Mercian term treowð which mean “faithfulness” and “quality of being true”.

The earliest recorded use of the phrase “The Naked Truth” is in Alexander Montgomerie’s poem “The Cherry and the Slae” from 1585.

Which thou must (though it grieve thee) grant
I trumped never a man.
But truely told the naked trueth,
To men that meld with mee,
For neither rigour, nor for rueth,
But onely loath to lie.

The sense in which I am using “The Naked Truth” is to break down some of the many myths surrounding what it takes to become financially free.

So let’s start with a simple observation… despite all the seminars, webinars, how to books, lectures, uni degrees, videos, CD’s, and mp3 recordings on matters relating to wealth creation and income generation… the majority of adults in advanced economies ARE NOT financially free.

Does this outcome result from a lack of desire? NO… otherwise the wealth knowledge industry wouldn’t exist.

Is there a lack of information? NO… you can find information everywhere you care to look and much of it is freely available.

My sense is that the real cause has something to do with “partial truths”. And what I mean by this is that lots of people have lots of information and they do lots of things but they’re still not financially free.

It’s like having many pieces to the jigsaw puzzle, but not all of them, so the picture is never complete.

The Naked Truth is designed to turn partial truths into full truths so that the full picture becomes available for you.

So keep watching this space.

Paul Counsel


#tenstepstowealth #paulcounsel #thenakedtruth

Levels Of Mastery

“Levels Of Mastery That Speed Your Experiences Of Extraordinary Success”

Gaining steep increases in your wealth returns

Within The Ten Steps To Wealth, there’s a different pathway to prosperity for each individual as there are different journeys to success. One such pathway is the entrepreneurial pathway.

Entrepreneurial success is an elusive but unique experience that has the potential to liberate incredible levels of personal freedom along with financial freedom.

Entrepreneurial success is developed through a combination of research and practice and is experienced by those who are not only passionately interested in success, they’re dedicated to the idea and pursuit of it.

To gain the kind of success that accelerates your journey into the ranks of the new financial freedom life-stylists, it’s necessary to look at entrepreneurial success from a certain perspective.

Levels of mastery…

Success is an art form and, just like any other art form, it requires three levels of mastery.

And in addition, you’ll need an extra ingredient which you can only get by immersing yourself in fertile environments.

It’s well known that there are plenty of musicians who are brilliant, yet remain “undiscovered”. Or singers who have put in 10,000 hrs of practice and have the right psychology and yet their “lucky break” has not come.

And then there are actors with brilliant minds and brilliant skills who walk the streets of Hollywood knocking on door after door and yet we never hear about them. And artists who paint to perfection but are never “discovered”.

One of the reasons for this is that entrepreneurial success does not follow the laws “cause and effect”. In other words, just like the activities of those mentioned above, you can do all the right things, but you can’t actually make entrepreneurial success happen.

It’s pretty much a catch 22 here because, if you don’t do all the right things, you’ll guarantee that success never happens.

So what’s this extra ingredient?

Success is actually an “emergent”. And no matter how hard you try, something else has to provide the spark… you have to have a bit of luck… perhaps meet the “right” person, the “right” JV partner… or perhaps it’s some other intangible that’s hard to measure. But it’s there none the less.

In an entrepreneurial sense, part of this emergent quality is ‘positioning yourself within fertile environments’ because this is where I believe many successful entrepreneurs find their elusive, emergent spark.

It’s who you meet and it’s what you hear and learn while in these fertile environments that often makes all the difference.

The concept of “emergence” has been around since the time of Aristotle but the term emergent was coined in 1875 by pioneer psychologist G. H. Lewes who said that, “Every resultant is either a sum or a difference of co-operant forces; their sum, when their directions are the same — their difference, when their directions are contrary.”

In other words, great success happens when a number of different collaborative factors come together in a way that creates a new combination. The potential for success happens through distraction because this is when a number of forces start pulling in opposite directions.

As an emergent, entrepreneurial success unfolds as a result of a series of effective moment-by-moment decisions made from a large number of options available every time you have to make a choice.

Entrepreneurial success emerges from a strong emotional and psychological platform from which you launch your ideas, your energies and your determination from.

But it’s the spark of bringing together “operant forces” that most people miss in their attempt to escape The Consumption Code build successful enterprises by tapping into The Enterprise Code.

Success emerges from the purposeful application of knowledge gained through the application of imperfect actions. It emerges as you learn from each new step and each new learning experience.

The more frequent your imperfect actions are, the better your results will be because you can refine each little step along the way. The more you do this, the broader your perspectives and the more valuable your episodic experiences become.

When this happens, the more value you can then bring to the experiences of being an entrepreneur and the more value you can bring to experiences of satisfying customers.

Having one customer sing your praises to the “right” person could literally triple your profits overnight. It could actually provide the “emergent spark” but it’s not something you can actually “cause” to happen.

However, you can plan for it by having the right psychology and strong support, but you can’t actually “cause” it to happen.

Choose a good mentor…

As an emergent, entrepreneurial success is achieved through the continual refinement of imperfect actions and new experiences gained over time. But those experiences need to be refined in the presence of external mastery feedback.

That’s why the most successful people in the world seek out the best mentors and coaches they can find.

You’ll never see a world class golfer without a caddy by their side, or a world class athlete without a coach, or world class boxers without corner people, or world class business people without mentors.

Survey, after survey demonstrates that some form of mentoring is the preferred form of leadership that guides successful personal and professional development. ROI’s are always greater than anything that individuals or teams could ever achieve by themselves.

There’s an accumulating body of research demonstrating that Return On Investments for mentoring clients are attractively huge. Currently, research is showing ROI’s of between 500% to 800% on mentoring fees.

Few wealth mediums or online wealth strategies are able to demonstrate similar returns to your bottom line.

External mastery feedback is one of the sparks of emergence that most “would be” entrepreneurs fail to engage in.

This subject material continues over a seties of blog posts so keep an eye out or use the RSS feed to stay informed

Please leave your comments below

If you’d like to get mp3 copies of a 2Day seminar I conducted on the Science Of Influence And Persuasion… Click the link below

Paul Counsel


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